Tuesday 28 February 2017

Recruiting terminology

1.Client/Customer :Who had the requirement  

2.Vendor :Who can supply candidates for requirements to client

3.Employer:a person or organization that employs people.

4.Employee/Consultant:a person employed for wages or salary
Consultant : works on contract basis with employer

5.Contract ;Written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment that is intended to be enforceable by law.

6.Contract to hire:Contract-to-Hire agreements outline a set length of time a contractor will work for the employer. At the end of that set period, the employer decides if the contractor will be hired as a permanent employee or dismiss the contractor

7.Permanent :Direct hire positions are permanent, usually full time positions with benefits. A direct hire position is one in which the client company utilizes the staffing company to find the talent, then hires them directly

8.Implementation Partner: The organization which implements the projects to the vendor.

9.Middle Layer (or) Prime Vendors: The organization which supports the end client and the  vendors

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